So today I was watching NASCAR race with my husband before he went to work. We watched all the prerace activity. We listened to Katharine McPhee sing the national anthem. Absolutely beautiful voice! 'Course I didn't vote for her when she was on American Idol. And there is the famous words said after "Gentlemen start your engines"! Who was said by Andy Garcia in English and Spanish....what the f... This is an Amercian sport you speak english in America, turkeys! You don't say those famous words in Spanish.
In case you haven't figured it out yet I am for NO, I repeat no illegal immigrants. Yes I am third generation born in this country however I do not believe in flooding our country with illegal immigrants. Our country is flooded with Hispanic-Spanish speaking illegals! Here in Las Vegas there are so many illegals, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting an illegal! The illegals are allowed to do anything they want. If they don't carry auto insurance and they wreck then they are allowed to leave the scene of the accident without anything done to them. My best friend was hit by an illegal and her brother was killed and nothing was done to that illegal for the killing. She didn't even get her medical bills paid. She was the middle car, so her car was the accordian. And she lost her brother 2 months later from that accident.
SO IF YOU LIVE IN AMERICA SPEAK ENGLISH! This is not Mexico, THIS IS AMERICA! Send those illegals to the front lines in war time!! Not our boys!
Schimel Disqualifies Himself With The Big Lie Answers
Reporter Vanessa Kjelden caught up with Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate
Brad Schimel and asked him about election integrity and whether he thought
2 days ago