Today I watched a show called The Millionaire Matchmaker on Bravo TV. She is a third generation matchmaker. And actually she is pretty good with making successful matches. This particularly episode was about a gay guy and a straight guy. I'm not here to discuss the gay guy, I want to discuss the straight guy. And that guys name is Anthony Cools. He is a headliner for the Paris Hotel on the strip. I have not been to his show nor will I go even if it was free. First of all the first thing he said about himself on the show was I have a garage full of Lamborghini's. Obviously he is overpaid and has a giant EGO!
What he did to this lady whom Miss Stranger set him up with was preposterous! He said he just got out of a relationship 5 months ago (5 months from when the show was taped) and the girl he was going with lied to him and that's why they broke up. At least that is what he told millions of people watching the show. He also likes to brag about how he can give a woman an orgasm with the touch of one hand! Yeah under hypnosis. He is a hypnotist. Anyway, he told his date, Brie, that he was poor and basically had no money. He says women use him for his money! She was flown out and in a limo for the date. And he took her to a cheap and poor lit bar somewhere in Las Vegas, of course you can find them anywhere! After according to him "testing her" he told her the truth. She was very mad because he lied to her! And he expected her to not be mad. How idiotic can you be! She didn't care about money, she was having a good time at least up until that point. They never spoke again! Never saw each other again. He breaks up with someone who told lies to him and then he tells lies and expects the girl not to be mad! Please!!
Get over yourself!
I will not go to his show because of his very poor character flaw! Besides with his house in Los Angeles and his house here and his Lamborghini's in the garage. It only makes him rich! Besides in his show he gets women to strip while under hypnosis! And that's the only way he gets women to strip! People only have made him rich! Don't waste your hard earned money on this loser!
It's ridiculous what he did, I am surprised the Paris Hotel didn't cancel him but then again it was free advertising for the hotel!
Schimel Disqualifies Himself With The Big Lie Answers
Reporter Vanessa Kjelden caught up with Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate
Brad Schimel and asked him about election integrity and whether he thought
2 days ago
I just played by him...HUGELY. He messages me on Facebook back in September and we started texting each other all the time. He made me take dirty pictures and videos for him. He would tell me how much he wanted me and begged me every single day to come visit him. He told me I was his girl and promised all the freaky sex in the world. I finally was able to after us talking for 5 weeks. So I get there and tells me "just to let you know, I'm seeing other woman. So don't expect any fantasy fairy tails." He took me to his show that night and went to his place after, he put on Hunger Games and fell asleep. The next morning he took me back to the hotel and said he'd be back for me in 2 hours. 3 hours later he showed up and said "I just spoke to my ex girlfriend. She called me and wants me to take her back and that she's changed. So I'm giving it another shot. You and I can only be friends now." Apparently she started talking to him a week and a half after we started up and she knew I was in town visiting him. So after I get home, crying my eyes out on the flight home, I don't even hear from him. I sent him a sexy messages about 2 weeks after I left town, he said to me that they're moving in and that he loves her and we can't be friends. Cut to this week; he tells me that he proposed to her on New Years and that he's in love with her and they're getting married (more like desperate) and to "Fuck Off." What a fucking jerk. He played games with me telling me I'm his, promised me sex and never even laid a hand on me, made me do degrading things for him, cons me into going to visit him and takes his skanky cheating ex back....WHAT A MONSTER. I'm thinking about suing him...or selling my story. I have all his texts saved (thank you cell phone apps).