Okey dokey. So there I was on August 1, 2010 at the Walmart located on Boulder Highway and Nellis. Inside there is a McDonald's. After I didn't find what I needed at Walmart I decided to get some hot fudge sundae's for my family. I was the only one shopping but the rest of my family was at the Dog Fancier's Park with our two dogs...running them since it's been so hot you can't run much during the summer here. I stepped into line at the McDonald's and someone took cuts. And they got served over me. Ok now maybe they didn't see me there, whatever..however I noticed that they were mexican and every employee at this McDonald's was mexican also. Not one to start something in public, I just let it slide. I picked up the family at the dog park, we had to go to another Walmart so I thought we could get something from the McDonald's at that Walmart. Something things happens. This person she doesn't look mexican. But she starts speaking spanish to the lady behind the counter and they agree to let her take cuts in front of me. This time I am pissed, I am hot and thirsty and in no mood for this stuff. I waited for 10 minutes to be served. This McDonald's is inside the Walmart on Sunset and Marks. They keep chatting with her she has a Walmart receipt saying something about french fries and how she paid at Walmart for them. I am so mad I can hardly stand it. The employees see me however they still don't take my order. Five people are behind me in line and they are getting mad too. I finally get too mad and walk away. Anyway I am calling corporate on McDonald's because Walmart really just rents the space to them. What kind of customer service is there going on the Walmart McDonald's. None I say. it's been like 4 days I am still mad and shaking as I write this. In my day of working at McDonald's we would have taken everybody's order, immediately given food instead of wait for your number to be called (maybe 10 minutes later, if you're lucky) and would not have stood for someone to cut in line. Of course this was all 18+ years ago. And food back then wasn't premade like it is today. Mostly if we were in a rush we took a guess and put food out however it was immediately ordered and ready to go for the customer. Today you're lucky to get your food steaming hot. Back in my day you got your food steaming hot. Plenty of time I burned my mouth on fast food burgers! Oh I forgot to mention but the guy in front of me at the second Walmart McDonald's had never been to a McDonald's, he didn't know what he wanted, kept looking at his phone...maybe his phone was ordering too! Heck I don't know...after 10 minutes of waiting behind him he decides that I can go ahead of him and then the lady cuts in. By the way the customer in front of me is mexican too. Can't swing a dead cat without hitting a mexican these days. Deport all the undocumented back to Mexico!!
Schimel Disqualifies Himself With The Big Lie Answers
Reporter Vanessa Kjelden caught up with Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate
Brad Schimel and asked him about election integrity and whether he thought
2 days ago
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